A Day at the Scandinave Spa Whistler BC
On a recent trip to Whistler BC, I was invited to enjoy an afternoon at the Scandinave Spa. This mountainside getaway is obviously ideal for those that have had a long day on the slopes. Massage therapists are on hand to soothe sore muscles that have been put into action for the first time in years. The baths are there to ease that hard worked body back to normal.
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And then there is me.
I don’t ski, snowboard, or overly exert myself for fun. This doesn’t mean I don’t hurt or do not deserve a relaxing break…right? I may not push the limits on the hills but I do know how to relax. If there is one thing I learned in Vegas it is how to enjoy a spa. A few years ago a friend tipped me off on how to recover from a late night in Vegas. Instead of pulling the blackout curtains and feeling like death in your stuffy hotel room, drag your sorry ass to one of the many spas.
For a very minimal fee, you can rejuvenate and relax away the toxins by soaking in the various hot tubs, sweating in the saunas, or napping in a quiet room. When it comes to bouncing back after a rough night it can make all the difference in the world. This hangover remedy is not strictly reserved for sin city as I found at the Scandinave Spa in Whistler.

A Day at the Scandinave Spa Whistler BC
Upon arriving at the secluded retreat you know you are in for a peaceful time. Situated on a quiet hillside just outside of Whistler village, the Scandinavia Spa is surrounded by tall timbers and fresh mountain air. Stepping into the lobby you will find friendly staff and a welcoming environment which includes comfortable couches and chairs situated around a cozy fireplace – the perfect spot to wait for your massage appointment or for your significant other to finish changing. For those feeling peckish, there is a great little cafe that serves a healthy selection of juices, smoothies, teas, and light snacks.

Hot. Cold. Relax. Repeat.
Stepping out into the cold December air with nothing but shorts and a towel would seem daft but when you have a selection of warm baths waiting for you, it’s not so bad. You can purchase flip flops and rent a robe (robe included if you book a massage) if concerned about the brisk walks between the pools and saunas however I found that neither are necessary as most of the pathways have in-floor heating.
Cool Pool
The Scandinave Spa is set up to cleanse and rejuvenate its guests through hydrotherapy. For best results it is recommended to first warm the body – a welcomed first step after stepping outside. This can be achieved by soaking in one of the warm baths, sitting in the eucalyptus steam bath, or going for the dry heat in the Finnish cedar sauna.
Again, an easy and welcomed first step. After 10-15 minutes it’s time to shock the body by taking a plunge in one of the cold pools. Dowsing yourself under a cold waterfall or shower is also an option. Although 30 seconds is recommended I found that 10 was enough…or as much as I could handle. The key is to increase circulation which from the muffled sequels I let out was clearly achieved.
Post cold shock it is time to relax. Thankfully there is no shortage of places to do so. There is a selection of solariums, deck chairs, hammocks, and outdoor fireplaces for your body to come to terms with the immense relaxation it is going through. Although it was too cold to enjoy the hammocks, I can see these being the perfect spot to warm up on a summer afternoon.
The relaxation stage was surprisingly my favorite as I was truly at ease. The snores I let out in the solarium can attest to this – not a welcomed thing in a place where talking is strictly prohibited.

After relaxing it is time to repeat the whole process – 3 to 4 times as recommended by the Spa. I highly recommend following these steps as it really works. I felt great when we left and the traces of the previous night’s damage was long gone. Skier or not the Scandinave Spa in Whistler is a must do.
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Although I was invited as a guest to the Scandinave Spa Whistler
the experience, opinions, and words are my own.
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